Leon's diary

Because I no longer go to Yao Chaio Cram School, So Mom let me go to her chool "May chiao" and the calss is "Mayguars".

You need to pay 1000,000,000 to join "May Chiao" for one year, it's include eat, live, drink, class, PoNEw and the bed time.

I think this school is cool, good and the teacher is nice( not like Mr. Huse) and the most important is I spent the time here is gorgeous.

I recommend any of you come to this school.

You will be a super stuedent! Ya!


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以前孩子參加的英文補習班雖然是很認真辦學的機構,但也因為給孩子太多考試及背誦,再加上自己學校的功課,自然而然就學會了應付及草率的寫作業的態度,現在我們回歸家裡,媽媽的陪讀,希望可以讓孩子英文不至於退步,並一起共讀共學。Ps: 字跡要工整一點。Haha!



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